Silver Linings
They say every cloud has a silver lining. However the silver lining coming out of 2020 is actually …. the CLOUD!
Organizations have had to pivot fast in 2020 to adjust to the rapidly changing business conditions. The resulting changes occurred at an incredible rate, and some organizations are now far further into their Digital Transformation than they had originally planned.
The three mains ingredients in many successful transitions were:
- Cloud computing
- Electronic Signatures
- No-Code Applications
Cloud computing provides ready-made environments that don't require organizations to stand-up expensive and complex application infrastructure. Electronic signatures complete the “Last Mile” of digital business transactions that previously required pen and paper. Finally, no-code application development allows organizations to quickly build full business solutions without burdening already swamped IT teams.
Nintex Sign
Nintex Workflow Cloud (NWC) and Adobe Sign make for an incredibly powerful combination. Together as Nintex Sign, it’s simple to create cloud based no-code applications using electronic signatures to accelerate your organization's digital transformation.
NWC is a robust workflow engine that connects to dozens of enterprise business applications to retrieve and store data and content. Non-technical users can build applications which are triggered by some “Start Event”, such as the completion of a form on a mobile phone. The data from the form can flow into and populate document templates created in familiar applications such as the ubiquitous Microsoft Word.

The completed document can then be routed through Adobe Sign to collect all required signatures from participants on any device. Signed documents can be stored in Enterprise Content Management or cloud storage systems such as Google Drive. Workflow processes can also involve human interactions and assign tasks like booking appointments and meetings. The process can also read, write and update customer contact data in CRM systems like Microsoft Dynamics.

Every organization has unique processes. With Nintex Sign, the possibilities are virtually endless. You can quickly and easily tailor applications to meet your most demanding business needs. Want to learn more about how Nintex Sign’s unique combination of cloud computing, electronic signatures and no-code application development can transform your business? Join us for our upcoming webinar in partnership with Nintex. Sign up for "Nintex + AFTIA: Tackling COVID-19 Challenges with Nintex Sign" here: